Buckeye Valley Beef Cooperative


FarmsAgriculture Retail, Supplies and Services

About Us

Our Mission
The Buckeye Valley Beef Cooperative wants to provide a safe, local, healthy source of naturally raised beef, while at the same time, strengthening our local economy and preserving the traditions and heritage of family farms in our area.

We are not resisting growth and urban sprawl, we are embracing the fact that we share our home with continually new neighbors and consumers. We would like to bridge the distance between our farmers and the local consumers in order to restore the trust in our food supply by providing our customers with superior tasting, naturally raised, responsibly fed local beef.

Printed courtesy of www.browncountyohiochamber.com/ – Contact the Brown County Ohio Chamber of Commerce for more information.
720 N. High St, Mt. Orab, OH 45154 – 937-378-4784 – brchcom@gmail.com