Brown County Rural Water Association, Inc.

M-F 8:30am-4pm
Closed for lunch 12-12:30pm
About Us
Our History: In the early 1970s the larger villages in Brown County had water systems but in the outlying areas of the county the water sources were wells and cisterns. For many people, the wells were located in an inconvenient place, or the wells couldn't deliver enough water to meet the growing needs of the families and farms. The need for a county wide water system spawned two groups of citizens working in parallel. One group was concentrating in the Feesburg area, and the other in the Sardinia area. The two groups decided to join forces to form a combined effort. To qualify for the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) loans, a private non-profit association (BCRWA) was organized. The rural system was started and remains today an independent organization providing safe water and service to its customers.